Monday, July 19, 2010

my fair wedding

ok, so i'm coming clean. while mike work's on sunday nights i have settled into a routine of doing homework while watching wedding shows. i feel like a bit of a closet drug addict, not wanting to admit it to the outside world - i even draw my shades so the neighbors can't see me indulging...but this week on my fair wedding david tutera designed a cowgirl wedding and the ceremony is fantastic inspiration for my own wedding. well, maybe not inspiration, lets face it i'm counting down the weeks not months now so there won't be too many changes, but last week when we took a trip to the farm where our celebration will be we found a seating option that really excited us.

originally we thought we'd rent one set of garden chairs to be used for the ceremony and reception with the caterers redressing while the cocktail hour happened. well, when we visited last week we noticed that Jon and Randy have countless old beat up farm benches, big enough to fit between 6 and 10 guests on each. if we use these in conjunction with some of the other mismatched antique furniture that already lives in the barn it could be a very cute ceremony seating set up, the benches almost like pews, and a lot less work (and worry, i've been stressing about making sure all of the chairs are moved in a timely manner.) so what does this have to do with this wedding tv? well, a similar effect was created for this wedding and i think it looks just darling..that's all! a clip from the venue below shows off some of the set up.


  1. I love watching wedding reality shows! No shame in that, girl! :) They're a great way to get ideas about what you do and don't want.

  2. I agree, great place to get inspiration!

  3. I love that show, though I haven't watched it in a while. But that is a great set up. It seems that is a popular thing now to hang ribbon type things from trees at outdoor settings like that. I have been to a couple weddings this year that incorporated that. It looks great. I think you have a great idea!

  4. DEFINITELY go with the eclectic mix of seating, it sounds so fitting and awesome!

  5. I watched the show last night too. David and his magic :-) !!!
    Mismatching seating is fantastic and unique.
    I've posted some pictures on my blog while ago, if you want to take a look. I think is a great idea.


  6. that david dude gives me the heebie jeebies.

  7. I wish I had cable tv - I am a reality sucker. If I could watch them I would!
